m.A.u.r.i.C.E's Kitchen

Good Looking Beach Boy, haha. Can cook abit. Likes Man United. Likes Mcdonalds. Likes Jogging. Likes Weight Lifting. Likes Music. Love my IPOD. Other then all this I Love God.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Had a revelation from God last night while praying. Its really a rhema for me. Here it goes, while praying i suddenly thought of what Pst Kong shared last weekend during the 17th anniversary, about getting the cash to pay for the renovation of the office, he mentioned that if the person is willing to give, he is willing to receive. Then God just spoke to me, that He is always WILLING to give to us but are we ready to receive it? Whether its in the area of our spiritual life, family, career, finances, relationships, studies. How many times are we always praying for these things or longing for them but yet we don't see it happening.

1. We are not faithful in the little things- Are we spending the time to read God's word and build
our lives upon it, fellowshipping with Him daily in our
quiet time.

2. Are we focusing on the right things now- Focus is really important, when you are doing
something for example like your career, yes
you might be doing things or practising on the very
things to get you closer to your career, but why does
it still seem so far away day after day? Its bcos
your mind is wanting to do and achieve other
things at the same time which are not relevent for
this season of your life. Its like a farmer planting
corns and another farmer planting rice wheats,
they all focus on planting just one of them in their
very own fields, i dont think you will ever see corns
and rice being planted together, the farmer would
have more than what he can handle.

Besides this two points, its about whether we really want it or not, are we hungry to achieve it? Are we willing to sow the seeds into the areas that we want to receive from Him, seeds of sacrifice - time, sleep, things that we want but its not the time for it now. When we go through situations , problems, do we draw strength from Him through His word, prayer, fasting or do we just make the decision to give up immediately?

I need to really be faithful in the little things, and also focus. Everyday I am thinking about and worrying about things which are not for this season. God give me strength to focus on my 3D animation, it really still seems so faraway. But i know that you are a God who is always faithful, i choose to continue to trust in you, and work towards it. The other thing God, i really want to lift it up into your hands but its really so difficult, God i pray for your sound mind to make a firm decision, i do not want it to keep coming back on and off.

God i choose to be faithful in all things, big or small, and also to have the right focus now. I confess again that You are always willing to give, i pray for strength to prepare myself to receive from you. I put my trust in You in all things. Amen


Blogger yun chan said...

Amen to what you blogged!

3:25 PM  

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